PHM’s WHO Watch at the World Health Assembly 72
The People's Health Movement's WHO Watch team attended the World Health Assembly 72 in Geneva in the month of May. The Watch team included Alane Ribeiro, Ana Vracar, Ben Eder, Gargeya Telakapalli, Sun Kim, Stuti Pant, Lucy Singh, Maira Mathias, Sophie Gepp, Susana Barria and Andrew Harmer. The team was supported by the guidance of PHMers David Legge and Lauren Paremoer.
PHM closely follows the work of World Health Organisation, both through the World Health Assembly and the Executive Board. A team of PHM volunteers attends WHO bodies’ meetings – following the debate, talking with delegates and making statements to the Executive Board.
This year also, the Watch team has prepared Policy Briefs and Statements on various issues discussed along with the notes from the meetings at the World Health Assembly. To read these documents, please visit the Global Health Watch website: https://www.ghwatch.org/wha72 .
Also visit the WHO Tracker website for links to relevant documents and previous discussions and resolutions and for PHM's Item Commentaries – https://who-track.phmovement.org/wha
Read Statements here:
11.5 Primary health care towards universal health coverage
11.6 Health, environment and climate change
11.7 Access to medicines and vaccines
11.8 Follow up to the HLM of the UNGA on health related issues- ANTI MICROBIAL RESISTANCE
11.8 Prevention and control of non-communicable diseases
11.8 Follow-up to the HLM of the UNGA on health related issues - Ending Tuberculosis
12.1 PIP Framework for the sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits
12.4 Promoting the health of refugees and migrants
12.5 Global Action on Patient Safety
12.5 Water, sanitation and hygiene in health care facilities
12.8 Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health (2016–2030)
12.10 Public health implications of the Nagoya Protocol
21.3 (H) Regulatory system strengthening for medical products