PHA5 FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions). Deadline Update
The Organizers of the 5th People’s Health Assembly inform all those interested in participating in the PHA5 that in order to guarantee transportation from Buenos Aires to Mar del Plata where the PHA5 will be held, the deadline for NEW registrations is 11 March 2024.
The organizers of the 5th People's Health Assembly are not responsible for ground transportation between Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata for participants who register after 11 March; those who newly register after that date will have to cover the transportation costs, and other derived expenses, at their own expense.
The PHA5 registration process will remain open up until one week before the Assembly.
What is PHA5?
The PHA is an important part of the PHM, as it provides a unique space for sharing experiences, mutual learning and the development of joint strategies for action. It is held approximately every five years. It attracts progressive social movements, civil society organizations and networks, academics, health activists, health workers and students from around the world. Previous Assemblies were held in Savar, Bangladesh (2000), Cuenca, Ecuador (2005), Cape Town, South Africa (2013) and Savar, Bangladesh (2018). Over the years, the Assemblies have been attended by between 1500 and 2000 people from 70 countries.
The 5th People’s Health Assembly (PHA5) of the People’s Health Movement (PHM) will take place in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina, from 7-11 April 2024.
Who can participate in the PHA5?
Health rights activists, human rights activists, ethnic people’s rights activists, health workers, health rights organizations, PHM’s affiliated networks, partners and organizations, health policy makers, academics, PHM Members and individuals from around the world are all invited to participate in the PHA5 in 2024.
How to get involved in the PHA5?
A. REGISTER to participate by filling out the PHA5 Individual Registration Form.
Click here
Just follow these steps:
Create a new account for log in
Confirm your account on your email address.
Open the individual Registration Application Form link and complete the information
Participants must complete all required fields of the form.
Click on the "Save" button to move to the next page (You can save and go back to edit the form if needed).
By clicking on the "Submit Form" button the individual registration process will be completed.
By clicking on the "Submit Form" button the participant certifies that the information provided is true.
Once the form is completed and submitted, the participant will receive a letter of confirmation with information related to his/her participation in the event.
- Note that you will only be able to press the "Submit Form" button once all 4 components of this portal are complete and have been saved.
- The "Travel Information" section cannot be completed until you have your ticket and visa issued, so you will not be able to "Submit Form" until then.
- It is important that you complete the "General and Contact Information" and "Travel Documents Information" in order to start the visa process. Remember to always press the "Save" button after uploading the information in each section. If so, we will be able to access this information.
- You will be able to re-enter the form with your login information to complete the remaining parts of the form once you have all the documentation and at that time you will be able to submit the entire form and your registration will be complete.
B. PHA5 Self Organized Events: Open Call for proposals for self organized activities during the People’s Health Assembly 5 (PHA5)
The PHA5-program will provide a space for self-organized activities. In the afternoons of the PHA5, from 13:30-15:00, organizations and networks are offered the opportunity to organize a workshop/session. Partner organizations and networks are invited to express interest to host such an activity. You can do so by emailing [email protected] and [email protected]. For all questions and queries, please use the same email addresses.
Click here to Download the call for proposals for self organized activities during PHA5
C. PHA5 1ST International Conference on Collective Health and Primary Health Care: Open Call for Papers.
Within the setting of the 5th People's Health Assembly (PHA5) of the People's Health Movement, to be held from April 7 to 11, 2024 in Mar del Plata, Argentina, we invite you to participate in the 1st International Conference on Collective Health and Primary Health Care. The Conference is organized by the National University of Mar del Plata (UNMP), the School of Medicine of the UNMP, the Argentine Federation of General Medicine (FAMG) and the Association of General Medicine of Buenos Aires (AMGBA)
D. Donate for PHA5
How much does it cost to participate in PHA5?
Payment information
(1) The registration fee is mandatory and it is:
USD 400 for participants from high-income countries
USD 200 for participants from middle-income countries
USD 100 for participants from low-income countries
Payments will be coordinated through regional / local coordinators
Individual registration fees payment for non-PHM members will be coordinated upon arrival in Argentina at the registration desk.
List of countries:
The registration fee will cover:
- accommodation in a modest shared facility;
- three meals per day and
- round-trip transportation from Ministro Pistarini International Airport - Ezeiza (EZE) and Aeroparque Jorge Newbery (AEP) Airport to Mar del Plata, Argentina. (on 6th and 12th of April 2023 only)
How to contact PHA5 for questions?
For any questions related to finance, please write to your regional coordinator.
List of PHM Regional Coordinators world wide

For any questions from PHA5 participants and non PHM members please contact [email protected]
For more information and PHA5 news, and about Mar del Plata Click Here