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International Women's Day #8M 2024
We salute the growing diverse group of women activists, who around the world defend life, the earth and human rights. Their struggle is our struggle. We march together for gender justice.
#InspireInclusion #8M #IWD2024
Call for Watchers: Apply to join the WHA77 Watch team this May
PHM is preparing to watch the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA77) of the World Health Organisation. The Watch will last from the week before, so 19 May to 1 June. During the first week there will be a preparatory workshop, and during the second week Watchers will following the WHA proceedings. The WHA Watch is in-person only. English will be the working language of the Watch.

Health Work Committees (HWC), West Bank, Palestine
The case of the Health Work Committees (HWC), West Bank, Palestine
Founded in the 80s during the first Intifada, the Health Work Committees have played a crucial role providing health services to the Palestinians living in the West Bank, Palestine. Hundreds of thousands health services are provided every year, lots of them related with the brutal Israeli occupation. The last couple of years the Israeli repression against the Health Work Committees intensified. The headquarters of HWC, one of the most important health organizations in Palestine, were raided several times.

Dr. Thaer Altallouli, Gaza
Dr. Thaer Altallouli, Indonesian Hospital, Gaza
“I am a doctor at the Indonesian Hospital. On November 3, 2023, I was on a mission to transfer the injured from the hospital to the Rafah crossing near Egypt. We prepared 5 ambulances. Each ambulance was carrying 5 injured individuals due to the shortage of ambulance vehicles. We left around 1 pm from the front of the hospital, heading to the Al-Shifa Hospital. There we coordinated with the Red Cross to allow us to pass through Rashid Street by the sea.

Dr. Essam Fasl Aldawor, Gaza
Dr. Essam Fasl Aldawor, Indonesian Hospital, Gaza
Dr. Essam Fasl Aldawor worked in the Intensive Care Unit at the Indonesian Hospital in the Northern part of Gaza City before it was destroyed and taken out of service by the Israeli occupation forces. “On Sunday, October 15, 2023, I was on duty at the Indonesian Hospital doing a 24-hour emergency shift. That day, at around 7pm the apartment of my parents was struck by two Israeli missiles. I don´t know what type of missiles were used, but they wiped out the entire apartment, it destroyed the staircase and the neighbor’s house.

Dr. Alaa Muti' Al-Ghafir, Gaza
Dr. Alaa Muti' Al-Ghafir, Al-Shifa Hospital, Gaza
My name is Dr. Alaa Muti' Al-Ghafir. I was detained for a period of 56 days by the Israeli occupation forces from November 19, 2023, to January 14, 2024. I worked at the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza as the head of consultants in the radiology department.
During that time, I was at the hospital as a displaced person and a doctor. On November 18, 2023, I, along with my family, evacuated our home in Al-Sahaba Complex, Burj Al-Quds, in the Rimal neighborhood after the Israeli airstrikes bombed and destroyed it.

“Struggle for Health”: IPHU Nairobi, December 2023
The International People’s Health University (IPHU) Nairobi 2023 short course on “Action for Equitable Health Systems – Advancing universal comprehensive primary health care in pandemic times” organized by People’s Health Movement Kenya in coordination with the PHMs Equitable Health Systems Thematic circle and the concerned regional PHMs of East and Southern Africa, was organized to build the capacities of young health activists from East and Southern Africa (ESA) region.

Watch our new Webinar: Building solidarity with Gaza’s health sector
Watch the webinar on Palestine and the building solidarity with Gaza’s health sector organized by No Cold War and People’s Health Movement
“Apocalyptic!” That’s how the Special Rapporteurs of the United Nations are describing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Dr. Ahmed Muhanna, Palestine
Dr. Ahmed Muhanna, Palestine
The People's Health Movement demands the immediate release of dr. Ahmed Muhanna, and a halt to the detention and murder of Palestinian Health Workers

PHA5 Global Launch Event
From the ancestral territory of the Mapuche people in Patagonia, Argentina, the voice of the people in defense of the right to health was heard at the global launch of the 5th People's Health Assembly in a hybrid event that brought together activists and members of the PHM from around the world.

PHA5 launching event for Latin America
Peoples marching in diversity, fists raised, in the midst of a humanitarian crisis and profound discussions on the right to health around the world, the People's Health Movement (PHM) together with affiliated networks and popular and community organizations in Argentina launched the 5th People's Health Assembly (PHA5) for Latin America, Mar del Plata 2024, in the framework of the closing of the 33rd National and Latin American Meeting of Laicrimpo Health "We are the dream, the ancestral echo, the mother earth that we embrace" Trenque Lauquen, Argentina this Sunday, November 5, 2023.

Stand up for Palestine!
The People’s Health Movement (PHM) reaffirms its support and solidarity to the Palestinian struggle for their freedom, land and dignity.

Humanitarian Catastrophe in Gaza
As the days go by, the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip deepens, the armed conflict has intensified, civilians and medical personnel remain under threat, fatalities and injuries grow by the minute, caravans of forcibly displaced people seeking safety have also come under attack, water, food, shelter and medical supplies are in short supply.
IPHU Course for East and South Africa (ESA) region in Nairobi, Kenya, coming up in November
The International People’s Health University (IPHU) of the People’s Health Movement (PHM) Jointly with its Thematic Group on Equitable Health Systems announce “The Struggle for Health” a six-day short training course for young health activists in the East and South Africa (ESA) region from 27th November to 2nd December 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya

Webinar on Commercial Determinants of Health
"(CDoH) - Concept, cases and challenges for activism" is the title of a new webinar organized The People's Health Movement (PHM) Equitable Health System / Food Sovereignty and Nutrition thematic groups together with the Public Health Resource Network (PHRN).
28 September: International Safe Abortion Day
In 2023 or safe abortion campaign enphasized on our demand for 'Access to safe, quality, and legal abortion' and strengthen global solidarity on feminist and public movements. As PHM, we stand affirm in speaking out for the Abortion rights of ALL young girls, women, and gender non-binary persons. As ardent supporters of reproductive justice, we reiterate that abortion is healthcare and equitable access to safe, legal, and healthcare system-provided abortion must not be compromised under any circumstances.

Dr. Helena Paro, Brazil -
Dr. Helena Paro, Brazil
1. Who is Helena Paro?
PHM Statement on HJI victory
The People’s Health Movement congratulates the Health Justice Initiative (HJI) on their important victory. In August this year, the Pretoria High Court ruled that the South African National Department of Health should provide HJI with access to all COVID-19 contracts the South African government had signed with Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson, Serum Institute of India, and COVAX.

PHM now on Instagram
We are thrilled to introduce the new PHM instagram account on Instagram.
Our new instagram account its an opportunity to engage with a wide audience of people, activists and organizations from around the world, to share news and information on the global health agenda, the social determinants of health, our thematic circles and the 5th People’s Health Assembly to be held in Mar del Plata, Argentina in 2024.
Our instagram account is available in English, Spanish, French and Arabic
Follow us, share, engage, join us in the struggle for health for all

PHM position on health issues in the 78th UN General Assembly
The People's Health Movement -PHM- will participate in the United Nations 78th General Assembly Meeting, which will be held from 20th to 22nd September in New York this year. PHM will set its position at UNGA78 in three of the health related agenda items: Universal Health Coverage -UHC-; Tuberculosis -TB- and Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPPR).

PHM Stands With The Libyan People
The PHM expresses its solidarity with the Libyan people after the floods that have left a whole community devastated with thousands dead and so many more affected by the consequences of this disaster. We want to bring a message of hope and relief to those who are suffering and mourning their losses in a country already battered by years of conflict.
We urge the international community and civil society organizations to provide the necessary support to bring relief to the survivors and rebuild communities in the affected areas without a geopolitical agenda at this time of crisis.
Remembering September 11, 1973: 50 years of struggle for social justice and health equity
People of the world who struggle for social justice and health equity fondly remember and carefully reflect on the legacy of Salvador Allende this September 11, on the 50th anniversary of the tragic coup d'état in Chile. This brutally ended, with thousands of dead and disappeared, the constitutional government of Allende who led the unprecedented, peaceful and democratic construction of socialism, anointed by popular vote.
Solidarity with the Moroccan people
The People's Health Movement expresses its solidarity and support to the Moroccan people for the material destruction and human suffering caused by the recent earthquake.
We call on our fellow health activists in the Mena region and Europe to participate in the reconstruction and promote support and relief to those who need it.
Solidarity is the love of the people, and this is the time to make it effective.
PHM Global Secretariat
PHM Campaigns

Humanitarian Catastrophe in Gaza
As the days go by, the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip deepens, the armed conflict has intensified, civilians and medical personnel remain under threat, fatalities and injuries grow by the mi

GHW Podcast
Welcome to the GHW Podcast, an audio show dedicated to PHM’s flagship publication “Global Health Watch 6: In the shadow of the pandemic” (GHW6).

Health Workers Under Attack
With this gallery PHM hopes to raise awareness of the attacks, harassment and repression suffered by health workers around the world; to strengthen campaigns of PHM country circles seeking justice,

Popular Action for Health and Good Living
The People’s Health Movement in Latin America develops the Campaign for the transformation and decolonization of health systems in this region of the world.
Renewing the Health For All Campaign through Thematic Areas
Gender justice and health
The vision of this thematic circle is to create accountable and equitable health policies and health systems in the context of intersectional justice
Environment and ecosystem health
PHM has worked on environment and ecosystem health for a number of years
Nutrition and Food Sovereignty
Nutrition and Food Sovereignty has historically been a very strong area for PHM

Trade and health
The work of the circle from November 2018 is broadly directed by the analysis and strategic directions

Equitable health systems
The Health Systems Thematic Area is one of PHM’s strongest, with broad participation across countries and regions

War and conflict, occupation, forced migration
The PHM considers this thematic area to be a priority due to the level of conflict and displacement occurring around the world.